How to Reunite with your Soulmate – Twinflame

Everyone has met at least one or more soulmates in their lives, not everyone will get to meet their Twin Flame, although everyone has a twin soul, only 50% will find them in this lifetime.

It’s best not to search for your Soulmate or Twinflame, as I mentioned in my previous articles, we are sent different people in our lives to help enhance or help us find ourselves on our path that leads to your Soulmate or twinflame.

Soulmates share the same interests, desires and their goals will be very similar to yours.

When you first meet soulmate, you will find that you feel more secure and immediately comfortable to be around this person, many soulmates are very drawn to each other that both help each other to feel alive and uplifted, helping them spiritually grow.

Many times a soulmate is sent to someone when life unexpectedly take a negative direction example: relationship break up, tragedy and etc. They will help them pick up the pieces and move on.

This type of soulmate will make you feel very positive and boost your spirit, that you can find a lifelong partnership or friendship with this person for your entire life.

Many people will confuse a twin flame for an actual soulmate this is why it’s always best never to go seeking and looking for specific soul mate type but rather seek out where your energy is drawn to.

There is many times a very strong and deep soul level connection that this person can actually be a reflection of your own self.

Twin flames are actually a soul remembrance of you. One soul split into two, then parted entering into lifetimes trying to search and find each other in many different areas of life.

When you start to become aware this is actually allowing your memory of your other half and you choose to spiritually to attract your twin flame into the physical Life form.

This explains many of the signs that you can receive while going through the twin flame journey merge process.

Twin flames are connected on every level but though there’s always one who is the weaker vessel and is not as strong as the other twin, often called the runner and the chaser phase.

But you must remember that your hearts are connecting constantly and you will always feel and know that you are true to yourself and your twin, that you both send vibrational energy’s to each other without realizing.

When twins flames first meet up, it’s a beautiful and amazing experience but then when reality sets in you may not be ready to take on that twin flame mission together.

Usually both Twins will be afraid of the intense energies that they share, always knowing that someone that shares something so deep that you’ve never experienced with any soul on this planet can crush your heart into pieces.

Something so wonderful, amazing and exciting that we are willing to take the chance, however this is what causes the runner to run and this does not come from the heart but actually from the ego based energy that actually needs to be released and merged to find their true paths together.

When twin flames first meet, they feel an immediate connection and extreme attraction towards each other, it can be either truly platonic or deeply romantic, But this is almost like a love at first sight feeling.
When you first meet your twin flame you know that you will not be able to live without that person in your life and you’re in for the long-haul.

The twin flame energy is very intense and extreme that will change A persons life right around.
When twin flames first meet up it can be when they’re young, in another relationship, or not ready but either way there’s usually a break up period and this is a time for self growth before uniting with each other again.

Twin flames feel a déjà vu type of feeling when they first meet up it’s like they’re starting to remember flashes but don’t recall ever meeting in that lifetime. The memory is wiped clean but though the energy isn’t.

The true purpose of meeting your soulmate or twin flame is to help each other in our spiritual growth and live in harmony with a life partner. Helping us find our true spiritual awareness and awakening.

Many times we have to deal with issues from a past situation and that can be very scary for most. There will be many trials, challenges and tests that you have to go through. Your twin has to go through a process almost the same as you but in a different way.
This is the reason why one twin will run from the relationship because they can’t deal with that intense energy or past negativity at the same time.

This is part of the process and the healing that needs to take place is meant to bring you both together in this lifetime.
The both of you have this soul mission with learning how to deal with past negativities and dealing with present situations.

Twin flames attract each other with the same vibration frequency and both have many synchronicity’s that develop through the mind body and spirit into a higher 5D level.

Twin flames can have huge age differences, religion cultures backgrounds that are very different from each other, many can be in complicated relationships and also living thousands of miles apart. But the point here is that they experience life together to help both on their soul journey in order to find what  spiritual mission that embraces their souls together.

There will be signs, along with 11:11s, 2222s, names everywhere and etc., there will be sparks of light that you see a flash, even if it’s just the second of light that comes in gold, silver, red, purple, green, orange, yellow, white, or Beautiful rainbow of chakra colors.
This is when we are raising our frequency and the awareness of consciousness is expanding to show us our twin flame exists in a soul energy to a higher 5-D frequency. There is spiritual work being done at that moment to reunite and merge their souls together.

The soul synchronicity’s also happen when they both live in complete different lives, but they are part of the same soul path.

There’s a direct mirror that causes them to feel that sold bond to each other and will help them understand that there is something there that is drawing them together, even if they’re not in a romantic relationship yet.

This explains a lot of times when twin flames are involved in other relationships but fall in love and can’t part from each other no matter what the consequences are. There’s a soul lesson to be learned here for both twins.

We all have seven energy chakras in our bodies and even animals have it to. Theses seven chakras are the energy points running through the Kundalini energy awakening.

It’s always best to work on one chakra at a time to align all seven to help with the twin flame merge  come together and the best way to do this is through spiritual meditation.

There are many tests when twin souls are about to reunite. Many times there will be marriages involved and babies being born into this world. These are all part of life and these things have to happen even if it’s not with your twin soul.

When there is a separation with your twin soul or you’re not in contact with them this can be the most brutally painful and stressful time of your life, but there’s not a lot you can do to change this.

You have to be grounded and be strong. Twin flame relationships can be very difficult but when they are not ready be together, they are impossible to reach.

Often referred to as the runner and the chaser, One partner needs to work on themselves while the other gets through their life lesson.
Working on your spiritual path is the most rewarding feeling of all.

When you are spiritually aware, stable and awake, your other half will automatically feel that amazing light in you, helping them wake up and start working on them self.

The purpose of your soul bond connection is to bring you closer to an enlightenment so that your spiritual paths can walk together. Letting go of all fears and your ego. The process can be painful but worth it in the end.

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4 Replies to “How to Reunite with your Soulmate – Twinflame”


  2. Very helpful and comforting article. My Twin Flame and I have been apart for 5 years now. And it could take years more. Who knows? But this article is helping me to be truly patient and allow the merging process to unfold naturally.

  3. Thank you Ann for all your inspirational thoughts and words, ,,,,the seperation from your Twin is the most excruciating dark pain one will ever go through, looking back, I wouldn’t trade it for anything, not to have the chance to meet my twin, experience the ” heaven on earth ” love,,,,,slowly emerging from the darkness, and fully on my way spiritual enlightenment, the heart knows, now just waiting for my twin to awaken, sending love,,,,god bless to all

  4. This article cleared up a lot of confusion regarding my Twin Flame and the rejection i felt from him after his bad divorce. We haven’t been in contact with each other for over 3 months so it looks like it can be longer, but i feel him all the time and see thing that remind me of him constantly. If i start thinking about him its crazy but i will receive some kind of sign spiritually that he’s sending me and its so scary that we are still that close, so thank you for this article.

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