Spiritual Full Moon Lunar Eclipse having an impact on Soulmates

Spiritual lunar full moon event happening within the next 48 hours! It Starts on February 10, 2017


The full moon will be Spiritual beautiful and is often called the snow moon because it is so bright.

The Full moon with the lunar eclipse and comet all at the same time. This will have a very strong effect on the energy you will feel in the next coming few next few days.

Your senses will be heightened and you will feel a longing for new beginnings and opportunities. As this is the midpoint between the winter solstice and the vernal equinox. This is all about new beginnings and changes and that is exactly what is going to happen sooner than you think.

The gateway is opening for Love relationship – Soulmates and Twinflames all on higher 5D level. This is a very spiritual time mediating and saying affirmations, many have called this the Twinflame or Soulmate Moon (Valentine’s day Full moon).

The lunar eclipse will create balance and a feeling of being grounded to everything that is around you. This is a good time to say positive affirmations to attract positive energy during the Full Moon Eclipse.


As with all full moons they do have an affect on our energies being extremely heightened.

This time it is in fiery Leo which reflects a lot of ego energy and dominance also being the center of it all when it comes to love!

Be very cautious with communicating with loved ones who may have an effect on you emotionally. You may say something that you did not realize it would offend them, then regretting what you said. Also the emotions may feel very sensitive so don’t take things personal.

With the lunar eclipse combined and full moon this will impact love relationships along with all soulmate and twin flame relationships. Both negative and positive so there is both the connecting and merging of  energies.

Also some issues with getting your point across to your soulmate, and it’s a good idea to hold back any deep discussions at this time.

Full moon energy will start three days prior and three days after the full moon. But this full moon eclipse may go on just a bit longer so expect it to last up to a week and yes during Valentine’s Day! It could both very romantic or very intense and sad time.

So keep in mind this is influenced by the moon and eclipse. I will be positive another video on Valentine energy and coping with it all in the next few days.


Valentine’s Day Full Moon Eclipse

Though it may not be directly on February 14th, but being a full moon eclipse near the Valentine’s Day season. It’s a good idea to keep your mind away from thinking too deep into emotions and things from the past. This is the time to keep your mind pushing forward and not look trying to find answers on why things happened in previous relationship or other things the way they did.

Try occupying yourself away from trivia, this full moon lunar eclipse is going to put new energy into motion. There will be new beginnings and progress with love in coming  days, weeks, months, and years. It’s time to start growing seeds indoors or planting something new in your garden, starting a new project in your life,  making a personal change.

This is also a very spiritual time for meditation, psychic energy readings and spiritual Reiki healing or crystal cleansings. As the full moon represents the ending and with an eclipse, it will be intensified.

It’s a good idea to reflect and meditate with a white candle and aligning your chakras with crystal meditation.

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