Soulmate & Twinflame – The Healing process

Many People today have found their soulmate or twinflame, but yet many are still waiting.

The desire becomes a thirst for deep love, and even completeness with someone. It’s best not to set out searching for your Soulmate or Twinflame.

They usually appear when you least expect it. Your heart begins to send love not just for a relationship, but for yourself, and your twinflame will be simultaneously experiencing the same healing as you. This compels you both together.

Your souls are completely magnetized with the love frequency as it is purified.

We have to merge with our Twinflame and sometimes it’s not to be in a relationship because we love them unconditionally. Merging of the souls can happen spiritually at any time.

But we are humans need to experience the merging through physical touch with our Soulmate. It’s a pleasure of having a body. Always celebrate your physical body no matter what, it has feelings too, even if it isn’t looking or functioning the way you would like. Stop thinking negative, all the dislikes need to be pushed away. You are starting to awaken to divine and acceptance and it is the first step for all of us to find spiritual healing.

When you first meet your Twinflame

For example – You unexpectedly meet into your twinflame for the first time. Then something instantly happens, you know this person from the past and even though you can’t recognize them. You are feeling a deep intense love for your Twinflame.

But then wonder how this happened when you never met. And sometimes run away from the situation. Then feeling it all over again and even stronger than before with a deeper connection in your soul.

You realize your life has changed forever. The energy between you and your twinflame is the most intense feeling, that you will not stop thinking about them constantly. You will relive the times when you first felt the awakening of your Twinflame over and over.

This love you feel will increase as time goes on and when you think it should fade, it gets stronger. If you are apart, emotional anxiety can build up and you feel scared. Terrified of losing your soulmate. And scared you’ve already lost them or Scared because you don’t know them that well to have such deep feelings, this is very common.

The Chaser and The Runner

The Twinflame soul needs to be ready for a soul intense relationship. If you put too much energy in at the start, and if he or she isn’t open or aware. This creates the runner and Chaser effect. It’s when one of the twin souls is not completely awake and not ready that they run.

If you ask the runner, why do they run? The will have no specific reason for running. He or she doesn’t know exactly what is happening, they don’t understand this deep intensity and feel kind of irritated for no reason. He or she has not felt anything like this before and doesn’t know what to do next.

The mind tells him or her to run, even if they were just simply dating before.
The runner tries to avoid the chaser, and might end the brief relationship in a abrupt manner.
The chaser gets hurt by the unexpected behavior of the Runner. Trying to get him or her back, but with no luck it has happen when the time is right and the runner has a true awakening.

The Chaser is driven by the inner knowing that everything will be all right at some point.
The Chaser tries to get the runner to resolve the issues and does all that they possibly can.

There is a soul healing taking place that means you also have to work on you for your spirit to be prepared and ready. In the meantime as you both heal, you don’t have to be scared of losing your Twinflame.

So you try to run from it and block it out. Convincing yourself it’s your imagination. You try your hardest, to let go but you just can’t. Some try to cut the cords (read my article on cutting the ties with twinflames). Months or years can go by and you meet up unexpectedly with your twinflame and all those feelings come right back to you.

The Twinflame Chaser will always try to make the runner awaken sooner, or wait for the runner to awake it on their own, this is best, (this is when they both are out of touch or if the runner is stubborn and not or listening)

The sad truth is, the runner will keep running and try to move on (this can go on sometimes for years). But ultimately the runner will awaken and realize that their twinflame is right there! Just remember your paths are meant to be together and it’s all just a matter of time.

Don’t force the Healing!

This will only scare the runner further away. Healing has to take place and that starts with you finding your center. I’ve always found that the first step is positive energy, many of us can think about the past and why did things happened this way.

These are tests you go through meeting all types of soulmates, learning lessons and making an impact in your life. Attracting positive energy in your life. Please read my articles on this topic.

Also getting more in tuned with spirituality, meditation will help connect the mind with the spirit and is an excellent form of soulmate and spiritual healing.

Do you have a question about your relationship?

6 Replies to “Soulmate & Twinflame – The Healing process”

  1. Pingback: Full Moon in Sag- Brings Love & Positive energy - Soulmates

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  3. Pingback: Full Moon in Sag- Brings Love & Positive energy - Soul Connections

  4. Pingback: Differences - Soulmates, Karmic & Twinflames - Soul Connections

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