How To Know You’re With You True or False Twin Flame

A Twinflame is one half pair of a Soul in this Universe.

When your Spirit connects with your Twinflame’s Energy, you both form a balance of Masculine and Feminine (Yin/Yang) energy of true Unconditional Love between two people.

Your gender does not denote if your Spirit is the Masculine or Feminine half of your pair of Twinflames. It is also possible for Masculine Energy to be in the female body, and Feminine Energy to be in the male body. It does not matter of your sexual preference, your Twinflame’s energy will completely balance you in the terms of both the Masculine and Feminine energies.   

When Twin flames are in the same Life time

They have an important Universal project in this world to give and to work on together in the universe, using their perfect balance of energy that they both share together.

Everyone has two halves – male and female energy regardless of their sex. When the Twin flame Kundalini energy is activated then harmonized, the two can become one that will open up various parts of the mind and create a spiritual awareness and awakening.

Twin Flames can sometimes not be completely aware of their intense soul bond, this is called the Runner and Chaser. This can lead to a very lonely path for the chaser but also the Runner since it is them self they are actually running from (Read more). The separation is never permanent.

Twin Flame enhances and contributes to increased spiritual, psychic and empath abilities with the awareness to your higher self that will make the Twinflame connection easy. Psychic consciousness will allow us to work strongly with the Laws of Attraction.

Twin Flame Kundalini is the merging of our spirits

Male and female energy (also in same sex couples this is the same), it doesn’t matter your gender to merge with Kundalini energy.

When the kundalini  energy is activated, it will flow  and allows a deeper soul healing, this will clear the pain and blockages that twinflame flames feel during the merge process, and will bring the frequency vibrations higher with Twin Flame Love.

The Kundalini Twinflame energy can be much more intense and can feel like a full body spirit orgasm where you have to let go!

The kundalini energy feels like a pulsation and a wave of light and water.  You can feel it while dancing, (the main reason I was a teaching Zumba for a while), a Twinflame meditation session can be blissful and connect the heart center together.

Many people are confused and trying to figure out if they met their twinflame or will it ever happen in this lifetime? or if it is a False Twin Flame

For the past few 100 years, soul mates have been reuniting and many are twin flames, it is at an astonishing rate. In this generation, many people have been reaching the higher vibration level of human awareness and are looking for their Soulmate and twin flame.

Chances are you will be able to find your twinflame in this life time and ascend to the next spiritual plane, if you don’t meet up, it’s because of an extreme age difference (ie. Twinflames entering in as an child and senior citizen).

Sometimes you may encounter a false twin in your life, it’s very rare and you can get over a false twin energy where a True Twinflame you will not be able to. Also be being aware of an energy vampire.

False Twinflames are rare but are almost share the connection phases as Twinflames.

It usually happen when two people are connected and in a very deep relationship (marriage, partnership and etc.), at first it may of have been beautiful but later turned to be a very toxic and dysfunctional relationship together, that all it causes is pain and anger towards each other.

Yes Twinflames do share the same chaos and negativity, but when another soulmate relationship enters in their lives having the same intense feeling if not greater, you will have a full realization and awakening the previous relationship is actually  a false Twin, but was actually a karmic connection from a past life (we can more than one) to help with a life lesson.

There also Energy vampires who come into a person’s life and drains the energy of love from them. This is not a twinflame but an energy vampire (Read more).

It is important to remember that spiritual energy vampires don’t want to hurt you in any way. They just are underdeveloped spirits that can cling into your psychic energy aura and use your energy to make them self more powerful, and if you are an empath you can feel it right to the core. There are some souls who drain people down, usually energy vampires absorb your positive light.

If you have a question about your Soulmate or Twinflame and need more information click here.

10 Replies to “How To Know You’re With You True or False Twin Flame”

  1. I believe that my experience could have been this….It truly, felt real. At the time. Until i started feeling disconnected. From this person last year. And then to find out that he had moved on. Without even saying a word. Would not answer phone calls or texts. Never was emotionally available. I felt foolish and just worthless.I didnt realize at the time. That i did not love myself. After alot of inner work..Learning to truly love myself. Lost weigh. Health has really improved for the better. And now, to read this article on the subject. All along, for two years. My soulmate was living in the same house with me. As a roommate. I would feel this intense energy. Whenever he would come into the room. And it scared me, i would literally run out the room. Lol……This went on, until one day. I thought to myself. Why should i hold out for someone. Who isn’t giving me, the time of day. And to give my room mate a chance. Secretly, i cared about him. Since the first time , our eyes met. Two years ago…..I denied my feelings. Until i could not anymore. The energy feels the same, as with “suppose to be Twin ” But stronger. More intense, that i vibrated and shook . When we were, in each other’s company. Sometimes, i still have to leave the room because of the energy. It feels different, There is harmony, balance…..This unconditional love. He is like my best friend, lover etc . The first time he touched me…I felt a electrical shocks..Then felt my kudalini moving around. I shook from head to toe…Full body orgasims…Then there is the psychic link that we have…I can feel him. Before he even comes in the house. As for false twin…I found out a month after. I had moved on. That he had married someone else.And she is pregnant. She found my blog on wordpress and started harassing me, This happened during the Super moon, eclipse…So the negativity was intensified. She carried on. Until i had to threaten to report to the police for cyber bullying. Then he decides to comment also…After no communication in a year. It got bad, racial slurs and everything. He admitted to lying…I told him. That i had moved on also. Was happy and planned to stay that way. And to have a nice life. I can honestly say. What the hell was i thinking? Its like i never knew him at all. Both of their energy was so negative…I had do alot of praying and cleanseing of my space, energy field. I use to feel him. Now, i dont anymore. It’s like he was never in my life. Sorry, to go on…But just wanted to share my story. I hope, this helps someone to find answers. Thanks for reading. HI! Ann…You’re the best lady! Love, Light and much Happiness!

    • Hi Cynthia,
      You are welcome! I’m glad this article helped you, You have grown spiritually and happy to hear you are doing better!
      Much love and light sent to you!

    • Wow that’s how mine as felt for the last two years I was stupid to fall for this guy this connection was strong dreams that shown me things that would happen with us that came true. I picked up his emotions even when he was in a different country. The whole entire two years of us letting on for the first time I tried messaging him etc he ignored me. He would make a point of being in my face all the time but wouldn’t let on. We spoke this year for the first time. But yes he lied to me but made me wake up and move on from the whole thing he destroyed me I felt worthless as anything. I thought we had something we shared the same numerology number. Went the same schools lived in the same towns etc my still so recent I started to move on in august this year.
      But at the same time I think I already met my twin 3 nearly 4 years ago but after the last guy i don’t want to believe he his incase it goes wrong again or its in my head. This guy i met nearly 4 years ago is with someone as been since we first met. From when we met I didn’t feel attracted to him. I kept saying he feels like a twin Bro he’s like the mirror of me. But the only problem with us he tends to dislikes me talking to other guys he doesn’t kick off and just ignores or avoids me. But cuz I can see right into him I can pick the energy up. I don’t think he has woken up. We can wear red on the same day, we both attract a lot of the opposite attention we be polite and that’s it. There is a telepathic thing where he tries sending messages thru but I don’t think he’s believing what I send bk to him. And the communication ain’t really flowing we just end up smiling and staring into each others eyes. This is been going on for the last 4 years I just have had the doubt he is my twin or I’m doing my best not to believe it so I don’t get attached like I did to the last one. Everytime I want to try and talk to this guy like tell him everything and tell him it’s best we go our separate ways etc. I write letters to hand to him just incase we don’t get to speak but it’s like he picks up on it or something as I don’t end up seeing him. Even tho he’s on a regular routine school run I see everyday but the moment I want to speak to him he disappears so I guess I’m never gonna no and he probably is another trick.

    • same thing happened to me.but as soon as I cut the cords of my false twin a man I’ve known for 5 years finally my heart opened up and yes it’s way more intense and pure

  2. I really enjoyed reading this. I feel like I can relate to something. I was with a guy 4 years ago, everything seemed absolutely amazing, red flags popped up but I ignored them. Then we moved into places together, he was physically and verbally abusive, lied, slept around, etc but I stayed thinking he would change. All I was doing was changing myself into a person I didn’t even know. Right before our lease was up I got into a dating site. There was a guy that the moment I looked at his photo, I couldn’t look away. My heart raced and I felt nervous. I hit the favorite button and then 3 days later got the courage to message him. After 19 months I’ve never felt this energy nor this feeling for someone ever. A love that began before even meeting him. He had lost his mother and few years back and no one at his side to become whole again until I came along. He still deals with that pain every day and I physically feel it. I sometimes wonder if I’m the chaser every time he vanishes and gets distant when he has these ‘mental burnouts’…but I continue to be there for him because I see more for us. I feel him down to my core to where the thought of leaving his side makes me ill.

  3. I need help. Thought I had my twin flame. Known each other since we were kids. Hadn’t seen him for 15 years when he moved to my town and didn’t recognise him, just knew he looked familiar.

    Saw him at work a few times when we both clicked we knew eachother.
    Things moved fast. Had lots in common and familiarity but once we slept together I awakened.
    I visited other dimensions. His higher self started to visit me.

    I’d see him in my bedroom. He was in my dreams. I obsessed and hated it. I couldn’t stop it. We were only dating and it felt too overwhelming particular as he was hot and cold. I went away to clear my feelings. I took time off work. I was getting physically ill trying to get him out of my dreams and head. I could feel his pain and thoughts.

    Then i researched twin flame so thought thats what it was but never told him. Synchronicities were abound. His name was everywhere 11.11 etc. Then we had a small tiff. He said he needed time and space which I was happy to give. But in a couple of weeks he was seeing someone else with no thought of my feelings. He still shows up at my work even though he knew I was upset, he really doesn’t want me or care for me which I’m OK with because it meant the dramas were over(or so I thought) … realised he was just a false twin flame put in my journey to awaken me. However, a few days after an old friend came to visit, who’s son I dated a few years ago. Having just discovered twin flame, I started thinking of this guy, our first meeting, it was all very strange for both of us, within hours of meeting i knew his secrets he told me he loved me, that i was the most beautiful girl and wanted to marry me….i told him he was being silly.

    He didn’t know me, but I could feel it too….what was very weird though was in the morning, he couldn’t remember any of it. Now I realise I was talking to his higher self. He left the country days later and then got married, but his mother told me hes back and marriage is on the rocks. My heart is telling me with the knowledge I have now….its him. Only problem is false twin is still invading spiritually and physically feeding off me. How can I clear him to make way for what is true?

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